Maybe because there's nothing else to do and it's your only escape from the house, maybe you've realised it's good for you and has numerous benefits, maybe it's what you've always done and you're keeping calm and carrying on. So let's pause a moment and think again... what are you exercising for?
Allow your main reason for exercise to be the catalyst for participation but be mindful of the secondary benefits you will experience and allow them to influence a re-evaluation of goals and experimentation with other forms of exercise and activity. Now let's rephrase the question, is the exercise you are doing appropriate for achieving the reason you are doing it?!
Whether your reason is related to fitness, health, sporting performance, body composition, aesthetics or mental health (most probably a combination) in order to achieve that goal then adherence is the key. Adherence to any regular exercise is a good thing but when goals get more specific and desirable then adherence to the right programme is even more important.
To report an exercise, programme or course of activity as being responsible for not achieving a goal can not be a valid statement if the programme was not fully adhered to. It is therefore also important to ensure that the particular plan was prescribed with the best attempt to achieve that goal and with the specific individual in mind. Don't worry about it too much, just find a good coach, get sound advice and trust in the process!
Online workouts, group exercise and advice can sometimes seem generic, that doesn't mean they are no good or not the right thing for you. However a conversation is personal and can immediately guide you or give you confidence that you are on the right track. So Let's talk!
Covid-19 has taught us all to be grateful for the freedom to move around and the physical and mental wellness that can be achieved through simple exercise on our own, socially distant with a friend or trainer or as a family/household. As a trainer the key qualities to be able to evaluate, adapt and communicate have been even more prevalent in the extended lock-down period.
I do not know the answers to how the fitness industry will return to any type of 'normal' in the coming months. But what I do know is that people will certainly be looking at what they are doing and why they are doing it a little bit more in the future. What can be achieved from the comfort (rather than confides) of your own home? What is appropriate and necessary exercise to achieve your goals? What are those secondary benefits that you are currently missing such as social interaction, connection and community?
Despite the lock-down period being hard for many people in this sector we are fortunate that the future holds these questions for many people and with a bit of adaptation and good communication we will be able to provide the answers and some guidance for living active, healthy lives with programmes designed to help achieve goals and inspire you to keep asking questions.
Stay alert, stay active.